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IGnite the fire within YOU

What is Life Empowerment Coaching?

Have you ever wondered why some people you meet have this positive energetic attitude? This amazingly glowing personality that inspires you and others around them? That beaming smile that attracts other people into their life? That kind of people everyone wants to have around because they make you feel good? Chances are that these people have found the value in focusing on their personal development. Chances are they are a coach or have worked with one. Chances are they used to have many life problems – but they decided to take action to overcome their fears, anxieties and limiting beliefs. Chances are they CHANGED their MINDSET on how to deal with everything life threw at them. Chances are they decided consciously to focus on the future and to let go of the things that stopped and blocked them in the past. They decided to live a positive, fulfilled and happy life.

Coaching is solutions focused. A forward moving, goal & action-oriented process which provides an opportunity for you to pause, reflect and review where you are heading. It provides individual attention, is consistent and increases accountability.

When you decide to work with me and undertake my “IGnite the fire within” empowerment coaching program you’ll be guided through a proven and well-structured step by step process to get you where YOU need to go.

  • You will learn important facts about the power of your mindset and the impact of your thoughts, words, actions & behaviours.
  • We will clarify your goals, vision and purpose and focus on one result at a time.
  • We discover your most important values and align them with your goals.
  • We clear limiting beliefs, blocks & negative emotions to get you there.
  • I help you understand your own internal communication and how you can use it to achieve peak performance in the area of life you want to improve.
  • You will learn to master your emotions and how to gain courage, strength, passion, and confidence in the face of challenges.
  • Together we will design a clear action path for you.
  • I will give you space and a safe environment to confidentially discuss issues that are affecting you, without being judged in any way.
  • In me you have someone on your side who will believe in you and will keep you accountable for your actions to achieve your goals and results.
  • I will help you to BOOST your confidence and be able to approach all your future challenges from a place of security, content, self-belief & clear purpose
Ines’ Coaching Programs

IGnite Discovery Session

Every program starts off with a 45 minutes discovery call. It’s free of charge and it’s purpose is to get to know each other and for me to find out if and how I can serve you. I will explain my programs and fees to you and afterwards you can decide if you like to work with me. No strings attached. 😊

LIGHT UP YOUR LIFE – 10 weeks Empowerment package

This is my bestseller. Do you want to stop feeling frustrated, stuck, empty or unhappy? Do you want to overcome fears, anxieties or limiting beliefs and start making changes in your life that finally bring you that fulfillment that you are dreaming of? Do you want to step up and gain more confidence? Are you ready to light up and empower your life, embrace change and become the best version of yourself? If your answer is YES to any of these questions, I can help you and this program is for you. In 10 approved and structured coaching sessions we won’t leave a stone unturned to get you to your desired goal and outcome. Fast.

You will receive:

  • Free 45min IGnite discovery session
  • 10 x 60 mins one-on-one calls – 4 calls per month (via phone/Zoom/Skype)
  • Unlimited Email and WhatsApp support during business hours until the last session has been completed
  • Approved system that guarantees structured sessions and a high success rate to reach your goals and results
  • Regular goal implementation support
  • Weekly guidance to conquer required action steps
  • Have fun in a safe and confidential environment while becoming the best and happiest version of yourself

IGnite your life Coaching Program – monthly ongoing

If you don’t feel like committing to the fixed 10-week program, this program is based on a 12-month agreement and includes 2 Coaching calls per month. It’s an ongoing program which can be cancelled at any time. Payments are made per month. It’s purpose is to meet on a regular basis and for me to give you ongoing support and guidance.

You will receive:

  • Free 45min IGnite discovery session
  • 2 x 60 mins one-one-one calls per month
  • Purpose discovery – your desired goals and results
  • Life analysis with regular feedback & success evaluation
  • Refinement & continuity plan
  • Unlimited Email & WhatsApp support during business hours
  • Weekly guidance to conquer required action steps
  • Have fun in a safe and confidential environment while becoming the best and happiest version of yourself 😊

IGnite Body & Mind Nature Escape (PRIVATE Full Day Tour, max. 4 people – for singles or max. 2x couples, bookable for Saturdays and Sundays only)

This is a private product for Sydney Siders only as I will take you out bushwalking into the stunning nature of the Blue Mountains or Kuring-Gai National Park. No previous bushwalking experience necessary. Your experienced walking Guide & Life Coach will meet you either at the designated meeting point of the recommended day walk or we can pick you up/drop you off from/to a nearby train station. You will be provided with an introduction to mindful bushwalking incl. health & safety requirements, breathing & pacing techniques followed by an easy to medium and slow-paced bushwalk (ca. 6-10km).

In several breaks and during the walk we will show you what mindful walking is all about. We will have a private & personalized Life coaching session, tailored to your needs. The walk will start off with a 10min mindful walking meditation to relax our minds and to get ready to indulge into a nature experience you have not experienced ever before. We will set up for our main session in a beautiful nature environment. Depending on the walk this can be near a waterfall, a river or close to the beach.  You will learn different exercises of mindful walking throughout the day. You will receive an introduction to mindfulness and learn how to use the power of your mind to lift yourself up in any given situation of your life. And most importantly you will learn how to keep momentum and stay motivated, no matter what life throws at you. We will discuss your personal situation and changes you like to see. You will learn empowering techniques on how to achieve your desired results which will guarantee that you go home with the biggest smile ever.

You will receive:

  • 30min pre-touring session phone call to get to know you a little better, to discuss your level of walking experience and what changes you would like to see in your life (please provide phone number)
  • phone & email support before the walk to answer any questions on how to prepare the day out bush and what to bring
  • pick up from train station near the start of the walk if desired, otherwise we meet you at the start of the walk
  • English and/or German speaking professional walking guide/Life Coach with certified First Aid experience
  • introduction to mindful bushwalking, advice on breathing & pacing techniques, guidance during the walk and educational information on the environment
  • private & personalised life coaching session in nature during the day incl. 10-15min mindful walking meditation at the start – tailormade to meet your needs
  • morning tea & light lunch (please provide info in case of any dietary requirements)
  • picnic blanket for you to sit on during breaks and sessions
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